Comments (3)
I always love a menu you can run around on! Cool puzzle game, I enjoyed trying to retain as menu actions as possible for the extra score. I wish there was a quicker dialogue skip when retrying a level though :)
You introduce new mechanics at a good rate too.
Great work!
Apex En Action
ApeX en Action is a Top-down strategic shooter game with puzzle elements.
This game is based on the character of "Xena" from "Xena: Warrior Princess".
The game continues from where the show left off, i.e the sacrifice of Xena to save thousands of souls.
The Theme "Power in Numbers" has been implemented by quantitatively limiting the character's Power of Throwing and Recalling.

The game is a fun blend of Action and Puzzle Elements.
Please give a thumbs up and comment if you've enjoyed playing it.

Arrow Keys or
W, A, S, D
Aim: Mouse Pointer
Throw: Mouse Left-click
Cancel Aim: Mouse Right-click
Use strategy to place your in-game character at the right positions while throwing the Chakram and recalling it to maximize damage within the limited availability.

Powered by LOOTLOCKER.
Made for Together JAM
Thanks to Ansimuz on Itch.io for his amazing sound tracks
Thanks to craftpix.net for its Icons.
This game was developed as part of a promotional contest. Character art, narrative, music and other creative elements contained within are not officially licensed or approved by NBCUniversal or its affiliates.