Comments (24)
definitely playing this for my YouTube Channel, i hope it gets you some decent exposure!
Great game m8! Made a video about it if you want to check it out: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sGeula_RAwA keep up the great work! :D
Really fun game! I enjoyed playing. I included it in part 26 of my Indies vs Gamers compilation video series, if you would like to take a look :) https://youtu.be/jrv7vlDEzrw

Hey Icefix, I'm back. Playing the game more definitely reminds me of some bullet hell games I've played before. Which is actually part of the reason I'm here. Let's see, uhh... A reasonable number of bags for a bank, but considering it's only one man robbing the bank, the bank shouldn't call the White House for near instantaneous SWAT team support right? And uhh... Bullet hell. After being barely alive from stealing two bags of cash, I can only stick my face to the walls while platoons of SWAT members unleash hell on me. I'm just nitpicking here... Considering it's three days time, this is very impressive. Don't think I can get my homework done in three days. Replay value is medium, but quality is definitely AAA if browser games ruled gaming. Hope I can see this on all three channels. If there is anything arcade about this, it's the difficulty. Glimpses of Nintendo Hard here and there.
5 out of 5. Must play.
5/5 for gamejolt and 5/5 for indies vs gamers, I am basically speechless, this game has it all and is really fun to play! I also like the fact that this kind of reminds me of Payday 2 xD
Really well done!
Arcade Heist
Steal bags of cash stored in the banks vault! Escort them to your van, and get back for more!
WASD + mouse! R to reload!
3 bag = you are good
5 bags = nice skills bro!
10 bags = ok you know your shit man
+15 bags = dude! you know how to dodge bullets!!!
Music by Shadetrap ( https://soundcloud.com/shadetrap )! #indiesvsgamers
Cartoon Violence
Animated Bloodshed