
Comments (18)

What do you think?

The clicking was really buggy on my computer in full screen mode, making the game unplayable. Works in windowed mode though. The game feels really slow though. I recommend a little more work on the game design, to speed up the game, and give the player some kind of challenge. Maybe eventually there are problems that require me to hire the employees to keep from running the business into the ground, and then I have trouble making the money to pay them, but the game took too long for me to find out if anything like that happens.

Seems like a good game but wont load 2/10

Very polished game! Nice graphics and full of little details! Very different aproach of the arcade theme, a manger is quite interesting! Great job! Keep it up!

If you feel like it, you can also check out our jam entry

Very impressive game. My arcade my not be the most profitable, but I'll be damned if we aren't the cleanest and most safe. I took a screenshot:

Really nice idea, so well made! I included it in part 13 of my Indies vs Gamers compilation video series, if you would like to take a look :)


Arcade Planet

Version: 0.1.0over 9 years ago

Have you ever thought of having your own arcade? Now you can!




Finally! The game was released