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Army Chess Engine
Army chess (aka Luzhanqi, Lujunqi, Luk Gwan Kei, Luk Kwan Ki, etc.) tool for 2 players.
Important Notes:
This program has some bugs and doesn’t support online play, so please take the following steps:
1. During piece deployment, make sure the flag does not hover over an opposing piece
2. Do not attempt to capture a friendly piece
3. Manual revealing and obscuring of pieces is required. At first, obsure all pieces from view. Then the green player looks away while the red player reveals all the red pieces and makes their move/deploys their pieces. After that’s done, don’t click the mouse button and obsure all pieces. Green then looks while red looks away. A flashing indicator shows green what piece moved from where. Green reveals the green pieces, makes their move, obscures all pieces, and passes play to red again.
4. The chair is of the highest rank and the “1″ is of the next highest rank. Thus “7″ is the lowest of the numbers.
play with or without a referee (if without, pieces that are involved in a capture are both revealed to the players and not obscured when the obscure button is pressed. if with, the computer determines automatically the winning piece (whose colour flashes) and both pieces are not revealed)
play with or without the exploding mines variant (if without, mines do not die unless captured by an engineer pawn)
save and load
Creator comments:
I decided pictures and numbers are better for Westerners than the original Chinese characters cause not only do you need to learn them, you also need to remember their order (in ranks).
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