Comments (10)
I am still getting a runtime error. I've downloaded it three times already, but I still get the runtime error. DX
Didn't work... Got an runtime error.. :/
What is new in version
Virtual time stops after manual game saving if you continue playing. - fixed
I assure you that the game runs on any Windows PC.
It is possible that your system does not confer rights to the game to work properly...
Please follow these steps:
Right-click on the "Evolve.exe" file and select "Properties".
Select "Compatibility" tab, and MAKE SURE you select:
"Run this program in compatibility mode for: Windows XP" AND "Run this program as an administrator" check-boxes.In the "Security" tab, make sure the software has Full control permissions.
Click "Apply" button.
Click "OK"
The problem is definitely on your computer. I'm sorry ...
2024 - NEW improved version
The game's main goal is to accumulate as much money and material values as possible.
 Based on an initial budget, you can buy, invest, produce, process and sell various products. Also, you can plant crops, fishing, raise chikens, you can buy or build various buildings, you can even set up a bank and become a banker.
What's new in version :
- when arrows keys are constantly held down some glitch occurs
- other bugs fixed
#economic #money #survival #trade #crops #fishing #build #buy #sell #strategy #eat #bread #work #sleep #gamble #raise #chicken #evolve
Mild Realistic Violence
Simulated Gambling