
Comments (8)

What do you think?

I like this. Very cool concept (and educational, too)! The spare graphics are great, and contrast well with the effects of the migraine. The effects are well done. The part that I thought was unreasonably frustrating was the shaft you have to fall down and jump back up after getting the door key. The blocks disappear if you even brush them on the way down, and disappear so quickly if you stand on them. Also, the game could use some music (maybe that could get distorted too, as the migraine gets worse).

This is a very interesting game... Though I'm not sure I get it! (I'm not saying it's bad!) And if this is truly how a migraine looks I'd hate to see how it feels. Good job, though!


I don't know, every game needs some music, and on top of that, well, I didn't really get the entire meaning, I might be dumb though hah

Not bad! The first area could be a little less frustrating (low ceilings meaning the player needs to jump very close to the edge in the initial climb) to contrast with the later bits. The tinnitus and aphasia bits were very nice touches.



Version: 1.0.0almost 12 years ago


I added music and made a few small tweaks to gameplay. The sound is best experienced with headphones.


Aura is a short, simple game I created in two days with one goal in mind: to convey the experience of suffering from a migraine with aura.

To do this I took a standard platformer and introduced artistic representations of some of the symptoms to debilitate the player.

For those lucky enough to have never experienced this type of migraine, symptoms include: spots, dizzyness, sensitivity to light, temporary blindness, numbing/tingling in the limbs, inability to talk/type correctly, fatigue, memory lapses, hallucinations, and of course terrible headache pain.

Sounds fun right?

So if you’d like to check it out, it only takes about 3 minutes to play. It’s best with sound. I marked it as work in progress because I may expand upon it in the future. If you start playing and you feel like you’re getting a headache please stop. It wasn’t my intention to inflict pain.

Click to start, move with the arrow keys.


Mild Cartoon Violence
Mild Fantasy Violence

Aura, Now With Music!

After getting some great feedback I have added music to Aura. So if you played the silent version (or not) give this a try and let me know what you think! I think it’s best with headphones.