this is the first game... out of 3 or so that i have made
also all the games i have made a been made with different programs and languages (oh dear)
any way even though i made this game in 6th grade it is still my favorite
how to play
mouse- move your mouse around and the bat will follow
space- fire spikes at enimies
the flash light- moves left and right and deals more dammage than the torch but is immune to the spike(i think)
torch-slowly follows you around (aka red icecream cone)
how to win
points** **- they are black and purple ... collect 10 to get to the next level
levels - there are 15
how to loose
time - you have 1000 seconds to beat the game
health - you start out with 1000 dont loose it okaj
made by
John-made the whole dang thang for a science project.
the end