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‣ Welcome to Bathtub Simulator 2007,

The next generation in Bathtub Technology! ‣

This is the 2nd Installment in the

"Bathtub Simulator" series. If you don't already know the story, or if this is your first time experiencing this, here it is:

- So, this thing is gonna be the 8th wonder of the world. It's a foldable plastic bathtub, but, if it senses movement it breaks your neck. Sometimes, it'll malfunction, and break your neck even though you're not moving. You're probably thinking, "Why would I want this?" But, there's a challenge to it. The challenge is to sit in the bathtub for 24 hours for 100 dollars. That 100 dollars sounds pretty tempting right? So, if you accept the challenge, guards take you to a cement room, and they make you wear a visor the entire time you're in the tub. You can't move your head and you can't eat, cause of course, it'll break your neck. Plus, while you're laying in the tub, they dangle the hundred dollars in front of you on a string. For some random reason at the last two minutes of the challenge, a fire breaks loose in the cement room, and the guards get scared and leave you to die. So, you're just lying in the tub while the room is ablaze. But, once the timer is up, you can get out, reap the rewards, and get out of the cement "building." Doesn't seem so bad right? Anyway, this game is basically a simulator of this. The only difference is that in this, people are watching you through a livestream (This'll make sense during the Game Over and Winning cutscenes) -

Ok. now that you may or may not understand what's going on, this game is going to be a little different than the first one. In this, you can customize your own bathtub, and choose a civilian to play as! Each person has their own pros and cons, so choose wisely.

Controls: Classic


- It's basically a Heart Monitor

- press space every time it's directly on the sensor to keep your heart going

- pressing space while the line isn't on the sensor will trigger the actual sensors to break your neck, causing a game over.

- this game senses how much noise is being made.

- making too much noise will cause the bathtub to sense movement.

- before the game, a question is asked. Choosing to eat before the challenge will cause the risk of going to the bathroom, and the sensors going off. Choosing not to eat causes the risk of you starving, and your stomach grumbling (both choices lead to grumbling btw)

Press space to change tub color/ character.

- click on the character you want to play as to start the simulation.

- once the timer has reached zero, reap your rewards and exit the building. But, be warned. There is a timer for 1:05 once the challenge is over that begins.

- use arrow keys to move once challenge is completed

- failing to exit before the second timer ends will cause the flames to kill you

- even after the challenge ends, the heart monitor is still going, cause of course, you can't just stop your heart right?

New Options: Try to save 'em.


As I said above, you can now customize your tub and choose a character, but those aren't the only new things added to the experience. There is now an option to try and save the guards from the flames. If you choose to leave them, you will win the cash, and they will die. But, if you try to save them, but give up and leave, they will kill you. But, the guards can randomly escape the building during any playthrough, and you won't even have the option to save them.

Please don't take this game seriously. It's supposed to be stupid funny. And, please don't report.

Anyway, I hope you enjoy playing this game, and play the first game if you hadn't already. The next game will not be released on scratch though, for I might try to use Unity to make it.


- Shagu Pez Belt

Follow Us:



- @Rouxls_Kaard800

Code, Story and Music - Me (Shagu Pez Belt)

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Special Thanks:

- "Damian"

- @00fermanMain

#horror #adventure #action #survival #simulator #scratch

Cartoon Violence
Mild Fantasy Violence
Intense Realistic Violence
Comical Shenanigans
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