
Comments (81)

What do you think?

Will this game ever get a sequel. There should be Red Skull as a villain but the final villain should be Darth Sidious/Emperor Palpatine. That should be taken from Super Star Wars Return of the Jedi and Captain America game. There should be Spider-Man in this as a hero to play as and with the defeat of Darth Sidious is the redemption of Darth Vader being the one to kill Darth Sidious. Maybe even He-Man as a hero of this game.

this is amanzing game crossover

Essa versão tem o Hulk e o Superman ? ... Como posso jogar ... pq me disseram que se o Windows for 8 pra cima não funciona ...

Man,this is problably awsome game,cause it have freakin classics!And in a Boss Rush Mode!!!!!I'm gonna download right now :DD

I'm new to this and my buttons aren't mapping anyone got any suggestions? I'm using an Asus ROG ally


Battle Stormer Classics

Version: 2.6.0about 2 months ago

Battle Stormer Classics is a oldschool game, on a boss rush mode, featuring classics chars from classic games.

The project gameplay is very simple, far more based on plataform games rather than fighting games:

  • one round, no defense and no auto turn

  • Two attack buttons and one special

  • Some interactive backgrounds (platforms, items, breakable objects, etc.)

  • Interactive lifebars, which reacts when the player was hit

  • Non-playable bosses

  • Characters from 16-bit systems or more

  • No super deformed characters (big head, for example) or too cartoonish characters


2.5 - 11/12/2024

2.1 - 04/11/2023

2.0 - 25/09/2021

1.0 - 19/02/2012


Version 2.5 contains:


• New mechanic: Invincible recovery time. After the player is knocked down, he becomes invincible for a few seconds, giving him more time to escape the enemy - except for Super Man and Hulk

• 26 playable characters with 3 new:

Snake, from P.O.W (Arcade)

BRW-9, from Contra Rebirth (Wii)

• 37+ bosses / non-playable characters with 6 new:

- Archers (King of Dragons / SNES),

- Ograoum Papas and Little Clown (Mr. Nutz / SNES),

- Bib Fortuna (Super Star Wars 3: Return of the Jedi / SNES),

- Boba Fett (Super Star Wars 2: The Empire Strikes Back / SNES)

- James (Demon Hunter Legend / Mobile)

- Elephant Dragon (Skyblazer / SNES)

- Mecha Kangaroo (Super Turrican / SNES)

- Eborsisk (Willow / Arcade)

• 49+ stages, with 5 new

Mr Nutz Cloud, Mr. Nutz Circus, Super Star Wars 3: Return of the Jedi Tatooine,

Demon Junter Legend original stage

Stage 2 (Hagane / SNES)

Castlevania : Portrait of Ruin - Forgotten City (DS)

#fangame #arcade #platformer #retro

Mild Cartoon Violence
Mild Fantasy Violence
Mild Realistic Violence
Comical Shenanigans

"A 16-Bit Dream Come True"

Mystical Fighter (Genesis) - Battle Stormer Classics 3.0

New resolution for version 3.0


Castlevania Legends Unite: Eric Lecarde & Richter Belmont


New version + new Boss