
Comments (1)

What do you think?

I really enjoyed this game. Its fantastic. Ive playing it with my computer all day. show a 30 clip of gameplay footage and say its bad but whatever I really enjoyed it. There is a minor glitch with the faces not showing correctly in the versus menu. For some reason before the perspective changes the faces don't change to the character you selected. However, this is very minor. After moving you immediately change into the character you've chosen.


bear battle windows chrome only

Version: 1.1.0almost 7 years ago

player 1
i up
k down
j left
l right
a punches left
f punches right
v jumps
player 2
up up
down down
left left
right right
alt punches left
ctrl punches right
shift jumps

for a mutual surrender in local multiplayer

player 1 press q

player 2 press backspace

to prevent the possibility of spectre exploit execution
all games will be unpublished. If my games are still here 5 years from now, and
I am still interested I will reupload.

This game is not a Nintendo product. This is a fanmade project. The character diddy kong although not recognizable is used. trademark and copyright for diddy kong go to rare or whoever owns the rights to diddy kong and nintendo.

because of low ratings the games coop is cancelled. however there are 3 opponents with increasing difficulty and multiplayer.

*uses dynamic framerate you must be moving to have a framerate. although framerate can go into the thousands. click in the window to use the keyboard. j/l selects the character and v confirms for player 1. its the same for arcade mode.

you can now restart the game from the beginning so you don't have to be connected to the internet to play

in single player arcade the game will restart once you beat the stages. keep in mind the ai may not use the same tactics ever time you play. although im working on making the ai harder.

you play as a stuffed bear or a human and attempt to knock the other player out of the arena. If your head is knocked out you lose. If your feet are knocked out you can't walk. If your hands are knocked out you can't punch.
I haven't really kept my promises with all my games. However, there not all well liked and not all of them have ratings. on my liked games, Ive kept my promises or at least as much as you could expect from games developed by one person. Anyway here are the things id like to do.
things done
two player
things id like to do
harder ai
coop mode
victory animations


Realistic Violence

did kong in a 3d style is now playable. this is a fanmade unofficial game.

attack each body part of your opponent individually