Comments (5)
Really cool game. I enjoyed the interconnected systems and having to manage my resources. I felt like I was mostly dealing with energy, which was a fun mini-game and then just keeping an eye out on my ship to make sure it wasn't going to collide with any asteroids. The game's visuals are also solid and I had fun with it. Nice job!
the pixel art is on point
Omg who made this epic game?
As the last member of the UFO crew, your job is to keep the engines running and go beyond...
WASD + Spacebar + ESC
Dev notes
Due to time restraints, we decided not to implement a multiplayer, but the ideas are there for two modes, co-op with split screen, where the difficulty of the game is increased along with a few other mechanics to keep the players busy, or PVP, where one player tries to get as far as possible and the other is in control of the mini games trying to destroy the UFO. We feel like choosing the right sounds/audio for a game can take a lot of time and effort and for that reason, our game doesn't have any. It's a mini game focused on a catchy gameplay with nice aesthetics more that anything.
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