Comments (6)
Love it already!
Ok, This game was fun and I want more!! Had a fun playthrough on it. Forgive the language the puppet. He's got a mouth on. him. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=46a8-tj2kMo
Fantastic concept! I hope you continue working on this :)
If you need voice acting for this project or any other, please tell me, I really want to work with you
Bigger Than Me
Graphic (mis)adventure point & click about Max, a young boy with a peculiar problem: he becomes giant when he hears the word 'FUTURE'.
Puzzles, minigames & narrative spiced up with humor in a tale about becoming an adult in a world that seems to be ending...
And still you have to pay the rent.
(Des)ventura gráfica point & click en clave de humor que narra la historia de Max, un joven que trata de ganarse la vida en una época cargada de incertidumbres y con un problema bastante peculiar: se hace gigante cada vez que oye la palabra ‘FUTURO’.
Crisis concatenadas, falta de recursos, oportunidades, desigualdades cada vez más acrecentadas, un cambio climático que ya es difícil de negar…
Y aun así hay que pagar el alquiler a fin de mes.
Demo developed by Dead Pixel Games:
Julia Cajigal (@Rocket_Raw)
Raúl Arenas (@Naburo_rae)
Javier Camacho (@Delunad0)
English translation: Juan Pedro de la Fuente.
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#pointnclick #textadventure #other #altgame #puzzle #graphic #adventure #humor #society #spanish #minigames #narrative #2D #cartoon