
Comments (5)

What do you think?

just played through the game and i have to say that it's good - not as good as the other installments in the franchise, but still has some great parts to it!) Bloodborne Legends 3 takes off after the events of the second game, following the adventures of Cornell Bloodborne and his crew - Dakota, Maaz and Jaiden! as far as i'm aware, the last two members of the party were included with permission from the people that they were based on, so, there's that...

i'll start off with some parts of the game that i genuinly loved - like the way you obtain Maaz and Jaiden into the party, the variety of enemies in Akumajou that adds a lot of diversity to the game's battle system, especially in the last area, which is great, Cornell's whip transforming into a new, more powerful version with each main story boss killed - this mechanic is almost like a staple of the series and every time it's introduced it feels great!) the plot twist with Dakota actually being the last servant of Dracul was pretty good - while i did suspect her because of her quite simple backstory and the first two minions mentioning the third one, the game didn't make it obvious that she was going to betray Cornell's, so, it felt almost natural to see her true colors, jajaja!)

now on to the game's problems, which there is, unfortunately, plenty... the progression in Bloodborne Legends 3 is very confusing - right from the beginning you're said to visit the king of Wallachia but you actually need to visit the king of Kryton first, which is strange, and even after that the directions you're given are pretty vague - because of this most of the time you're just wandering around Wallachia and interacting with things in hope that you're supposed to go there now. the other parts in the series have handled this issue a lot better, in my opinion - The Legend Begins and the remastered version of the very first version have vast, awesome worlds to explore and the directions you're given are pretty clear, and in Bloodborne Legends 2 the plot is pretty straightforward so you don't even need to navigate around the world map that much) next, there is quite a number of bugs in the game - f like interacting with Dakota first upon meeting the king makes her disappear and softlocks the game - luckily, i made a backup save just before talking to the king of Kryton! next, you can enter the final dungeon of the game, Akumajou, right after getting Maaz in your party or even before that - which is kind of cool but ruins the progression if you happen to accidentaly stumble upon the occult circle leading to the plane of Dracul. and, finally, from time to time when Cornell levels up it shows that he has gained the ability to use some magic, but when i go to check it out in skills it's all empty... maybe i'm missing something because of my wonky progression or is it a bug?

all in all, Bloodborne Legends 3 was, perhaps, the weakest in the series (i've still have to play the fourth installment - i hope that it's good!), but even with all of its vague and strange progression, the history behind the game and the people involved in it the game is still quite enjoyable!) as always, the battles are great, the plot is simple but has its awesome twists and turns along the way and the characters you get in the party are pretty cool - although, i see why you think about leaving Bloodborne Legends 3 out of the canon, Horror_Kid, especially considering the main cast of characters, jajaja!) well, now that i'm done with the most troublesome game in the series i'm off to play the fourth one - when playing the 5th game i liked Soraya quite a lot as a character, so, i have my hopes up for her adventure!)


Bloodborne Legends III: Curse of Dracul

Version: 1.5.0over 4 years ago

Welcome back to the third of Bloodborne Legends series. After the events of 2, Dracula casted a curse upon the planet. As Cornell Bloodborne, son of Alister, it'll be up to him & a few friends along the way to try & rid the planet of the curse... The Curse of Dracul.

#retro #rpg #adventure #rpgmaker #rpgmakervxace #bloodborne #bloodbornelegends

Mild Cartoon Violence
Fantasy Violence
Alcohol Reference
Crass Humor
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