Comments (2)
First ever 2D Airplane Game made on GameMaker: Studio. Lookin' Good! Keep it up! Be sure to release the demo when it's ready. 5/5.
Extremely early in the production of an arcade like game where you control an aircraft carrier and launch fighters to attack enemy ships or fighters. Your fighters have a limited fuel supply and need to return before running out, but have troubles landing on a ship manuevering around other ships. Different fighters will have different jobs like attacking ships versus attacking other fighters. Hitting far away targets or defending the fleet.
You have to juggle which fighters to launch into combat and with what roles, while allowing them to land before running out of fuel at the same time avoiding other ships yourself.
Currently all you can do is float around, launch a few fighters, watch them fly circles around the nearest target until they return and launch again. More is to come, this is just getting everything started.
This is my first ever game, I am making this alone except I will get a friend of mine to do music for it. I am using Game Maker Studio since I am familiar with it and I feel it works well with 2 dimensional games.
I hope you all enjoy, feel free to comment on what you like and even what you might not like.
Mild Cartoon Violence