Comments (1)
The Guy with the real human face make me laugh so hard.
Great work.
I would love to see more comical characters like that.
I found it a bit hard to go from one map to another because the Transfer Events where only at the end of the roads.
I would have also liked to see the green guy from the bar join my party.
I do not know Russian so I was unable to read parts but I would love to see more translated.
If you use google translate you could get a native English speaker to edit and make it sound a little more natural.
I would be willing to look at a rough English script and make it sound more natural in English for you.
Balance and Chaos
Balance and Chaos(РУС)
Balance and Chaos(ENG)
We fall in fantasy world yearn for ancient powers of chaos. Old chaos' enemies are not sleeping too, but they can sent only one recruit. He must convert people to good path, keep secret safe and restore balance.
Some enemies can be spared.
Баланс и хаос(RUS)
Мы попадаем в мир фэнтези, на который положили глаз древние тёмные силы хаоса. Давние враги хаоса тоже не дремлет, но из-за своих внутренних проблем посылают лишь рекрута. Ему придётся направить местные народы на нужный путь добра, сохранив свой секрет и вернув нарушенный в мире баланс.
Некоторые враги могут быть пощажены.