
Comments (7)

What do you think?

This game have so much WHAT? :D I like these surreal games... Great art, great gameplay, great atmosphere, great everything! Five little flashes for you!

Whoever rated you 2 stars without even a distro kind of sucks. Looks like it'll be cool when it's done.

Are you planning on submitting a game and if so, when?

In progress for the GJNYJ.

Cartoon Violence
Fantasy Violence
Animated Bloodshed

Home is where the wifi autoconnects

Back in Florida. School doesn’t start until next week, so prehaps I can work on this thing. I will probably release a very alpha version of it soon.

So yeah. No screenshots because I’m lazy.

Lighting engine tweaks, new weapons, more screenies

Haha, I'm in -3c weather

Bloooo hooo hooo

I zonked out at 8 (Jam ends at 1, my time) and I NEVER WOKE UP.

I am ashamed and distro-less.

Of course, I’ll keep working on this. Probably.

[Nik started following it; I feel obligated to add some serious sillies.]

No chat

I’m on hotel wifi, and it’s blocking all the chat. COME TALK TO ME