
underchoice papyrus fight ENG
underchoice papyrus fight中文版
This time I was hired by Underchoice author laofei.
This project was established a long time ago, and Sprite Resources are also a product of many years ago
The reason is that our dear AU author is addicted to love and the game production is delayed

AU by: laofei
artist: 麻雀,217衫,sussy_sy zf,福救,柴克,红烧鱼,231
game by:QMFfafa(me)
music by:5927
There are some memes in this game that cannot be translated by machines, so I will explain them here.
Item ”纳兰寇“: Usualtale author.
Exists in the game as a hidden highly destructive item
Item "snow": The "snow" here is given the meaning of INM meme by AU author (using Chinese homophony), and I will not explain it.
You can switch phases by investigating the save point.
With phase2, you can press "z" continuously while attacking