
NOTICE: The HTML release might be bugged on some browsers. To play on your browser, please use the itch release: https://algebrafalcon.itch.io/cohabitation
A game about learning to live as one.
200 light years away, the planet Alkia drifts in space. It is home to not one, but two sentient species - the peaceful, technological Alkians, and the terrifying Holl, who live off hunting the former as prey.
Tasked with reclaiming a radio tower to help find a planet capable of harboring life, will you help your species make their escape? Or is there a somehow a way to cohabitate?
An engaging narrative where your actions matter. Pivotal choices as well as your underlying optimism (or cynicism) will determine which of 8 different endings you receive.
Gameplay that is one part horror-puzzle, one part narrative adventure, and one part dating-sim.
An exploration of other perspectives that lie underneath the surface.
Custom painted art alongside otherworldly portraits made with VQGAN+Clip.
An entirely unique soundtrack produced for the game made by monom.
A game experience more relevant than ever to our modern world.
Made with the help of Helen Zhou, Eric Lujan, Monty Bichouna, and Shannon Kong.
Additional playtesting help from SkyTheOtherGuy, Heming Chen, BrokenBee, and Spice.
Created for the University of Chicago's Digital Storytelling class, taught by Ian Jones.
We support loading of saves from the demo! Simply hit "Continue" at the title screen and load your save from before!
#horror #adventure #puzzle #scifi #rpgmaker #choicesmatter #datingsim #psychologicalhorror