
Connected Collective
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Game made in 72 hours with a friend for Ludum Dare 30. #LD48
The goal is to connect islands, gather people and attempt to make them happier before sending them back into a journey!
Have fun :]
-You have your Main Player. He can be moved using WASD. This is the guy that can build using your right click to CONNECT your chunk of islands with others to gather people.
-Other people on islands have personality traits. By moving them closer to other people with the same kind of traits, they become happier.
-These people also have abilities to help you survive such as a shield to protect your island (right click), lasers to destroy islands (right click) or an rocket engine to move your island around (right click + WASD).
-To gain points, you must destroy an island (hopefully not occupied by anyone) and DISCONNECT the chunk your Main Player is with others. You gain points if the happiness of the people you disconnected is higher than what they started out with.
-Have fun and try to make a happy colony of people ^_^