
Comments (278)

What do you think?

Happy Birthday, MrGameandWatchFan!


I love this fangame, I hope it goes well for you and I leave a fanart

I Would Like If You Added A System Where If You Hit A Enemy It Shows How Much Damage You Delt Or Maybe You Can Make It Show The Heath Entirely Of The Enemy But Its Just A Suggestion! Ay Also Mr Game And Watch As A Character To Play As Lol. Edit: I Have Found A Gltch With Luigi's Jump When I Peform The Good Jump Where You Hit It Correctly For Some Reason I Get Soft Locked And Have To Reset The Fight It Seems To Happen 100% Of The Time At Least If You Perfom The Action Correctly The Werid Thing Is Im Pretty Sure This Only Happens with Luigi I Maybe Wrong Tho.

This is such a cool game! My next Mario and Luigi fangame will definitely be inspired by this.

Shame I can't play until after I finish building my windows gaming pc. Until then I'm stuck with a chromebook laptop,


Mario and Luigi: Superstar Simulator

Version: 0.4.1over 1 year ago

This fangame will be a mix of many of the Mario rpgs, including games that aren't even rpgs! It will also include a wide variety of characters with original movesets that aren't in any rpg, like Wario and Waluigi. If you would like to help with this project, contact me on my discord (The link will be on my Youtube channel "Mr. Game and Watch Fan")

Cartoon Violence

I made a little mockup of how partner battles will look in Mario and Luigi: Superstar Simulator by recreating the climax scene of the Mario Bros. Movie


We are conducting an experiment to see how flammable this Goomba is. The results will shock you


I made this mess. I love this mess (bottom left hud will be fixed obviously)

Happy belated Goku day everyone! To get some hype going, I will confirm that Goku will make an appearance in this game. I wanted to keep this a surprise but I need to actually put the work into the surprise before showing it and that will take AWHILE


John's battle has been overhauled with a new attack, battle flow improvements, and a new fanmade theme provided by Oofator from Youtube!

I wonder when I'll focus more on the Mario side of this Mario fangame than the 3rd party side-


Unfortunately Antasma will not be in 4.0 due to how long the update is taking. He will haunt our dreams some other time

Along with John's new attack comes some improvements to the flow of the battle. I wanted to get the showcase video done yesterday which was my birthday but I wanted to give myself a break. Video soon

I got permission to use a fanmade song for the John battle. Along with that I will give him a new attack before making a showcase video of the updated fight. This fight was made years before Pizza Tower came out, but I'll still be using John's old design


After hitting ink bubbles during the baseball attack of the Shadow Mario fight, puddles are created from the ink explosions. During enemy attacks that allow the player to jump while dodging, Goobles/Swoopin' Stus spawn from the puddles and charge at Mario