Comments (23)
Has a lot of potential
Yeah!! Can you make it free?
Can you make it free? it looks cool but i have no money :(
This concept looks good and I like the UI setup but the graphics seem too low and basic which don't match the UI and are too simple for this sort of game and $10 plus tax make this too expensive I believe.
i like the idea of it, especially when some have high progressive and they can change your rules to what fits them XD.
but it gets boring after that having only to put rule after another.
Game Soundtrack
Welcome to Crest, an indirect god sim where you take care of humans as if they were your own children. But your only way to interact with them is by issuing commandments written in a pictographic language.
How these commandments are interpreted and remembered is not set in stone. What you communicate and what experiences your followers have with the environment is the basis for their religion. Over time, commandments can develop different associations and completely change their meaning. After all, your followers still have a free will and will sometimes do what they think is best for them, regardless of what you had in mind.
Consequences of your actions may not always be clear and you will need to be aware of the ever-changing environment and your people's disposition, amongst others their disposition towards you. Expressing yourself is the key of Crest; you will do so through your people and the world they shape.
Key Features
Explore the high-concept of religion by building your own
Interact with the world solely by issuing commandments using a pictographic language
Progress by unlocking new words, adding more and more complexity to your commandments
Observe how your followers evolve as a result of your decisions
Micromanage a world where weather, vegetation, mineral deposits, drought and animal behavior will create surprises
Express yourself in a game without end-goal nor winning condition, allowing you to purely focus on building your legacy

Progression and Losing
Every new world you start is unique and will write its own little stories. If all your followers die, that world is gone forever. However, you will still be able to view the legacy of your previous worlds. As long as your people live you can continue playing and further shape your own history by creating more and more complex commandments with newly unlocked words.
Crest is an Afrofuturist game that reimagines how humanity arose in the cradle of humankind on the African continent. It's a historical themed game that tries to emulate an advanced iron age civilization that could have existed a few thousand years ago. The setting for the game world, its flora and fauna is based on African biomes, with rainfall determining the tug-of-war between desert, savanna and jungle.