Comments (19)
Simple media. Entertaining gameplay. However, just in case that you still interested in improving that project further, there are some remarks:
1) It still suffering most common problem of simple SHMUPs – lack of reasons to cease fire. Why should I stop pressing ‘X’ ? Why not make auto-firing option then ?
2) Madness ? Yes, sure: lot’s of it, I should admit. However, it seems that there are no real reason to react on events after first few precise shots – constant moving and firing will help you as well. Just needs some luck…
3) Monotone brown background isn’t really best designing choice – just add some more details to it.
4) It badly lacks some quick restart button for death screen.
Awesome game! I love the effect when the square things turn and make up the title or score. It's really good, but when there is a lot of whity's it makes it hard to see - ish. But awesome game!
Thnx scary for the comment and the rate :)
Crazy and fast-paced, this is one intense game! The screen shaking got to be a bit too much for me, especially with the opening part of the game, but everything is so frantic that you don't really notice it when playing! The music is a great fit, upbeat and fun.
Me likey!!
Thnx :) Giorgio :)
Proffessor Zack have discovered a new chemical substance.
When he was observing of the heat on the material it make some strange behaviour. The Bluy atoms become insane and want to collide with Whity atoms (Bluy and Whity are the two atoms making the material) if the collison happens it unleash an explosion which destroy any other Whity ones which produce another explosion and so on in a chain reaction manner. The Whity shot some germs that transform the Bluy to its type to survive.
You play with the Whity and convert the Bluy ones to get a Highscore you only get score when some of your controlled Whity are destroyed. As the chain reaction increase your gained score increase.
Arrows : Move X : Shoot
Game made in 6 hours exactly (1 hour was searching for a proper music)
The game was made for Madness Compo but I think I cant participate as it took more than 2 hours.