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Welcome to CupcakeTown (name might change later), a wonderful island where you can create your won adventure. The game is based around the idea of social simulation, exploration, and the freedom to express creative ideas in an easy and stylized manner.

Inspired by Animal Crossing, you will be able to choose who you befriend, and how your island looks. In future updates there might be a multiplayer version, and I hope to be able to keep creating new items, stories, and ways to make the experience fun.

Do note that even though the game is based around relaxation, and freedom to do whatever you want. There will be events that happen at a point in time. This allows the game to play, even when you do not.


Just had my first ever stream playing around with sounds for an special minigame. If you want to see me work then join me on

And maybe you'll be the first to see secret additions!

The hardest part so far I find to think of good names for the most important side-characters. It's complicated to write them well as I want them to be most versatile.

I guess for now I will just write their personality as person1 and person2. We'll see.

I spend some time today on writing an opening scene, and a way to lead the player into the main story. I personally like it a lot. But will probably have to do some tweaking in the future to make it fit in the theme, and with the assets.

To quote my girlfriend: "FLOWEERRSRSSS"...

Ahum... Currently working on some flowers to decorate the world :)

Daisy0 - Download Free 3D model by BallOf3lasticBands (@BallOf3lasticBands) [1aedd0a]
Currently working on some flowers, here’s my first untextured for CupcakeTown my game in progress. Feel free to get updated, or join our discord: - Daisy0 - Download Free 3D model by BallOf3lasticBands (

It's still not completely fixed. But I manage to figure out the problem. And in the process fixed the Watering Can :)

The Boy Base still needs some work, love and attention. But for now I can continue working on items and animations!