
Comments (2)

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is it normal that froggy's gliding around like an ice skater? xDDD



Version: 1.0.0over 10 years ago

This game is cancelled!

Story context: helps Ober the frog to save his swamp from super-powered mutated bugs by eating or defeating them.

In-game mechanics: Debugger is intended to be a fast paced platformer adventure with a little touch of RPG elements. Impulse plays a main role in the jump and movement system so it requires to get through a learning curve and a bit of practice to control Ober the frog. Debugger will consist of few yet huge levels containing multiple puzzles and side adventures, in addition each level can be revisited to get more items and solve delayed puzzles. The progress can be saved from save-points through the game or from the main map.

Enemies: the main enemies of Debugger are super-powered mutated bugs, those bugs had evolved to take advantage of the elements that surrounds them, so there are fire bugs, water bugs, acid bugs, electric bugs, etc. Some of this enemies can be defeated by jumping over them, or eating them but others can only be defeated using power-ups.

Power-ups: special powers in Debugger come after eating a special bug. So, for example, if you eat a water bug, you can go and defeat a fire bug using a water rush. These abilities are limited but can be stored, so you can eat a lot of bugs to get a lot of stored power. Anyway, these powers can be stored only one kind at a time; for example: if you got a lot of stored fire power an eat a water bug, you'll loose all of the previous stored power. Not every single bug can be eaten to get power-ups.

Graphic style: the graphics will be made totally in 2D in a simple cartoonish style.

Music and SFX (I don't really want to think much about sound yet): music is intended to be ambiental (perhaps) and in contrast SFX will be a very retro 16-bits thing (maybe).

Project goals:

  • Develop a game using only free or GNU software tools.

  • Make a platformer adventure game that forces the player to practice to control the main character.

  • Use only original graphics and sounds.

Software used to develop Debugger:

Game engine and IDE

  • Game Develop*

Graphics - Vectors:

  • Inkscape

Graphics - Raster:

  • GIMP

  • MyPaint

Graphics - Animation:

  • Spriter (free version)

  • Synfig Studio

Sound - SFX:

  • SFXR

Sound - Music:

Cartoon Violence
Fantasy Violence
Mild Language
Comical Shenanigans

Animation and controls test available!

There is a animation and controls test available for download (at the moment, just for Windows).

Try this short level and give your feedback!