
Comments (2)

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me gusto mucho esta novela visual tanto su música como la paleta de colores ojala estuviera en español para disfrutarlo mas pero igualmente buen juego


Deluge: Threnody of Crashing Waves (English, Japanese, Spanish, Russian, Polish)

Version: 1.3.1over 1 year ago

The grapes of wrath have finally ripened — their vines bring forth an intoxicating fruit.

Abe never chose to come to Abbotsford. The village glows in a rural backwardness that fills him with a lingering dread. Soon however, things begin to look up, as he is hired as a delivery boy by Ina, the headstrong editor-in-chief of the school paper.

Before long Abe and Ina begin to uncover unsettling details about the island's past, including the mysterious evacuation of over half its populace. Gradually, they become caught up in an intricate web of political corruption, organized crime, and a highly secretive local church.

Deluge: Threnody of Crashing Waves is a mysterious visual novel with psychological and lovecraftian undertones.

Download and install

Deluge runs on PC, Mac, Linux and Android.

To install the Android version, download the .apk file and install it. In case of error, please try the following solutions in order: 1. Make sure 'install apps from unknown sources' is enabled. 2. Make sure there is plenty of free storage space. 3. Make sure the .apk file is placed the device's root directory. 4. Restart the device.

The Android version should run fine on tablet computers. On phone there is currently a bug where dialogue text will overlap the name box. (This bug doesn't render the game unplayable on phone, but it can be jarring.)

#vn #visualnovel #mystery #horror #datingsim #philosophical #psychological #adventure

#English #Japanese #Spanish #Russian #Polish

Mild Cartoon Violence
Alcohol Reference
Brief Nudity
Comical Shenanigans

The Spanish and Japanese translation of Deluge are live now! Translation work was completed by:

Español: HazartD, Nicolás Basualdo Martinez, Nicolás Matías Calderón Alcaíno, Nicole Duret

日本語: Ichisan, Kodai Nakashima

Who we are eternally grateful to.

We have just published the latest update to Deluge: Threnody of Crashing Waves. More importantly, we have also added the Polish translation of the game. We are very happy to make Deluge available to Polish audiences!

I have created an Android build (tablet) of our game and added it to the 1.0 release, meaning that Deluge is ready to leave early access.

Deluge is something I've worked incessantly on over the last year. I hope you like it!

Deluge is out now on Gamejolt. The official release of the game will follow shortly.