Comments (16)
So Karaa, as I said on Twitter here's what happened. Not a long time after minute 16th I just passed the 500th kill, after that the game started to brake slowly. The framerate started to drop to an incredibly low, around 5 or less fps. Firefox started to encounter some freezes. The camera became crazy (I took a screenshot), each time I pressed up, the devil jump without a problem but the camera took a crazy step back and I was able to see behind the scene. I managed to stay alive more than 20min and get 630 kills but I don't think it registered correctly since I had to refresh the page since I couldn't die. When landed the gentlemen couldn't touch me with their bullets. They passed through me. I still got the trophies though. It was still fun ^^
Amazing, simply amazing!
Ack, for some reason I didn't get any trophy from this game and didn't get registered in leaderboards :(
Anyways, unique defense game! It's not often I play as monster instead of humans ;)
I thoroughly enjoyed this game, great job!
My video:
Oooh, really nice job with the animation, and the music track has to be my favorite from any of the other Monster Mash games so far. The monster howls and gentlemanly injections are great, and the thing overall just feels nice to play.
Jolly good show!
Devil's Night
"Devil's Night" is a #monstermash2014 submission by @RiotJayne , based on the legends of the Jersey Devil. In it, you play as the fabled creature, as she protects her last remaining nests against the upcoming gentlemen hunters. They wish to relegate her to nothing more than an old Jersey legend. A few days of work, built and animated in Unity.
The gentlemen come from both directions, and you must dispatch them while protecting your three nests full of eggs. If the 'daddy' devil at any nest dies, the nest needs to also be warmed (proximity) by you to keep the eggs from dying. Both apples and eggs serve as a potential health boost.
Movement - A & D/Left and Right Arrows
Jump/Hover - W / Up Arrow
Interact/Attack - E / Space
I tried to build a lot of flexibility in how this is played, so experiment and let me know what you think. Mechanically, I took inspiration from games like Missile Command, and that is very much the feeling I was going for. I tried to crush as many bugs as possible, but I probably made more in the process of adding the Gamejolt API, so let me know if anything seems/is broken.
BGM by Bomono
SFX sourced from web.
Mild Cartoon Violence