Comments (4)
Cool idea! I included it in my compilation video series of all of the Adventure Jam games, if you’d like to take a look :)
Quite fun!
Dice Adventure
Dice Adventure Demo
The original Demo, no need for it now but I'll leave it here if you don't want to download a bigger file unless you want to play the game!
Game Soundtrack
Go Cart
Welcome to my entry for Adventure Jam 2016!! I will be making a top-down open-world adventure game with board game elements. For example you have to roll a dice to determine the amount of moves the playaer can go or taking it in turns alternating between players or enemies. I am looking forward to this project and will be adding news at the end of each day here in the description of what I have done and be adding builds throughout the journey.
You wake up in an abandoned Prison, Where are you? You must explore the land to complete your quest! But with one small twist, you are controlled by Dice!!!!!
5 Awesome worlds to explore.
Lots of Monsters
A really hard final area, Mount Hecktica!
2 Bosses
Mild Cartoon Violence
Mild Fantasy Violence