
Comments (8)

What do you think?

Another preference:

either add customizable inputs, or bind the jump-boost and brake to the mouse left-click and right-click. its really weird to use your main movement fingers for special actions

wow amazing

Interesting start. I noticed a few things.

sometimes the game doesnt let you jump. i was messing around in the debug area and the game would refuse to read jump inputs sometimes. couldnt replicate it so i dont know why

It has to do with the fact that your jump won't refresh if you're touching a surface. if you jump against a wall, and ride the wall all the way to the ground, you are unable to jump until you leave the ground again.

Also, as a personal suggestion, you can achieve max speed way too quickly. it makes sense if you want this to be a platformer more similar to marble madness, but I'm assuming you want it to be a racing game similar to sanicball.

But as a super early alhpa, it was pretty good

Game could be better


doggoball alpha

Version: 1.6.1about 5 years ago

Game Soundtrack

2 songs

Customisation menu - Diddy Kong Racing options menu cover

Doggoball is a 3D racing/platformer game, racing as a dog but sphericle. In this game you will race against AI on many different courses in an attempt to get first place. Doggoball is still at an early stage in development, and there's plenty more to be added and changed. This is my first major unity project and there are bound to be problems, so please, if you find some sort of bug please contact me here:

The Doggoball discord server:

My email: [email protected]

Thanks for checking out Doggoball!

As of 9/05/2020, Doggoball is currently being developed using Unity 2019.3.12f1

#platformer #arcade #racing


Doggoball is on an indefinite hiatus. Doggoball was my first unity project, and as I've grown as a unity dev, a lot of the original code would have to be completely redone. I might release another update with the project in its current form in the future.

Here’s the controls for the gamepad. Due to Unity’s new Input System making changing control binds a real pain, you cannot change the controls yet. I plan to include this in the next major update.

After 4 months, v1.6 is finally here!

This update is huge, and the patch notes beyond exceed the character limit, so they'll be in the comments.

I'm very sorry people who want to play in their browser, you're going to have to wait until the next patch.

Join our new discord server!

The official place to make feature requests, submit ideas, get notified when new updates come out and chat with other players.

v1.5.0 is out!

- The first full course has been added, Green Hills!

- Graphics and Render distance settings have been added

- Sleeping idle animation

- Touchscreen controls*

- Welcome back, linux users!

- Everything from v1.4.1, but now on every platform.