Comments (2)
I enjoyed this game a lot.I like the pattern i found to try to avoid the aliens but i was a bit challenging as they tried to stay near the grass but i kind of enjoyed that aspect.
There is not really much i could say to improve.I just have one thing that feels is missing, something is missing that could make the game much better.
But overall this game deserves a 4/5 stars!
LOL drunk people fuckin up Alien's land. Well made game!
I included it in part 34 of my Indies vs Gamers compilation video series, if you would like to take a look :) https://youtu.be/LEbsxIzPqio

Drunk Space Humans
GameJam entry for #indiesvsgamers 2015.
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A simple arcade game with a hidden darkness just below the surface.
Mild Cartoon Violence
Alcohol Reference
Comical Shenanigans