
Dayshift at Freddy's 3 (Full game)

Version: 2.0.4about 6 years ago
I no longer develop or support DSaF! If you wanna see some of the same characters in a NEW and better title by me, check out Dialtown's free demo on steam!

Dayshift at Freddy's 1:

Version: 1.0.1over 6 years ago
I no longer develop or support DSaF! If you wanna see some of the same characters in a NEW and better title by me, check out Dialtown's free demo on steam!

Dayshift at Freddy's 2:

Version: 1.0.1over 6 years ago
I no longer develop or support DSaF! If you wanna see some of the same characters in a NEW and better title by me, check out Dialtown's free demo on steam!

Game Soundtrack

78 songs

Rickroll (DSaF 1 Title Screen)
the ride doesn't end here! Play Dialtown on Steam!


Scott for FNaF.
FufuTheGargoyle, Vij, and GlitchedPie for some of the fine pixel art seen in DSaF.

Dylan Fisher (FishingNet90), Adiosbullboy (Skylar), Spellbee2, Mike Vallas (Meadows1073), BabyGeniuses2 (Hollister Starrett) and Oppletron for voice acting.
Several deranged chimps for testing. (thanks, chimps)
Respective owners for Stock images.
ArmedChalko for Breadbear.
Wilyskytreader for the title screen and art.
C0da, SPDesign and LilyAlice for art.
Incompetech, GlitchedPie, JuniorGenius and C0da for music.
Yanfly, MOG, Hime and Galv for misc plugins.
Everything_Animations, SAB, Azzy, Red_Eye, Quitiix, Mistberg, Coolioarts, RealFailz and Nanori for models.
SuperStu for helping with renders while my PC was down.
jackyboyfnaf for Music Man renders.
Rick Astley also.
...and Godred.

I've definitely forgotten at least someone, so if you notice tell me calmly and without pitchforks...


"DSaF 4?"
Sorry, story's done and I don't intend to add anything onto the games. This is just an archive.

"What program did you use to make this?"
RPG Maker MV. There's a newer version of RPG Maker though, you'd probably be better off going with that one because they updated stuff under the hood.

"Android/Mac ports?"
Nah. I don't own a Mac (can't port to macs without one) and porting to mobiles would be illegal, I think?

"Can I make a DSaF fangame?"
By all means.

It'd be nice if you had "UNOFFICIAL" after your game's title, if you're using the DSaX naming format. Just so people know it's not by me.

Go to Voiceforge. Wiseguy.

"Can I make an X port?"
Eh, sure, whatever.

"Can you add X?"
Nah. The games are done and done.

"But, I won't/can't download the game."
Talk to Gamejolt about that. I don't run the website and can't fix any glitches you encounter.

"The game won't save!"
Not sure what's that about. I'm aware of the bug, but I don't have the time to get to the bottom of it. Like I said, this is just an archive. There's glitches in the code that will remain there until the end of time, unfortunately.

"Where can I find the OST?"
On this page.

"I have a question that's answered here, in the FAQ, but I feel the need to ask you the question, because I don't like the answer listed here."
That is your right as a red-blooded, All-American cowboy. That being said, I'm already dead and this is a pre-recorded message, so I can't help you. Sorry.


Intense Fantasy Violence
Realistic Violence
Alcohol Reference

Dev Update (27/11/18)

Definitely pushing the release back.


I'm gonna talk about release a little bit.

(In this devlog, I'll be showin' off some voice clips of the outstanding HUMAN voice acting in DSaF 3!)

Uploaded a patch. Fixes the black screen on day 2 of the tycoon, from any day 1 save onwards.

New patch out. Check my pinned comment for details.

I decided to start a patreon! If you wanna pledge any money, as a thank you for all of the free content that I pump out, the link's down below:

Since devlogs have character limits, read my pinned comment down below

Update: aside from bugfixes, no new content is comin' BEFORE the next major build, which will come out on December 12th. Unless anything bad happens that ruins my life or whatever, it'll include the whole game.

(check my pinned comment for more info)

New build's live, containing the stuff promised in the last update, a new henry log, and a new random encounter. pretty big update.

Wish I could've tested more thoroughly, but I needed these bugfixes up and running. Lemme know how it all fares out.

New patch coming! I've taken user feedback into account:

Many minor bugfixes.
Random tycoon mode (allows a random restaurant layout at the start of the game!)
The ability to skip flipside segments
A level system with unlockable attacks, on the Flipside.