
Comments (5)

What do you think?

Haven't played yet but I am a huge fan of Mega Man and Mega Man fangames so I am sure I will be getting to it at some point also I really enjoyed the playthrough that DoctorNovakaine did of it

Uma Fangame de Megaman muito divertida, e gostei muito de jogar e fazer 100%

What I've played of this game so far, it's pretty fun. It's a nice change of pace from the traditional Mega Man games and fan games. I hope more people discover this little hidden gem.

Here's my first part on this game, and this is one I will likely go through completely if there is any interest in it.

Me gusta mucho como implementas las habilidades y como adaptas la jugabilidad de Eddie para que sea cómodo y fácil de manejar

Aquí te comparto un game play de verdad un excelente trabajo

I discovered this little gem through an upcoming livestream notification from Ethervil, which made me end up at The Spriter's Inc. I was genuinely surprised this was not only a Mega Man fangame but also one that puts you in the metal feet of a thoroughly overshadowed character, as proven by the fact that the name Eddie didn't even initially ring any Blue Bomber Bells in my head.

The game's strongpoint is definitely the creativity displayed throughout all 9 levels with environmental variety, stage gimmicks that are neither boring nor frustrating and bosses which completely break the "traditional" and often stupidly simple patterns behind Robot "Masters".

Above all though, this game, short as it is, excels in it's puzzles, both in terms of design as well as quantity. A good number of them can even make you discover special properties that some "Eddie Module" attacks have, which is not spoiled in the "weapon menu" and thus rewards a player for using many different approaches as well as thinking outside of the box.

For example literally the last token I needed to 100% the game was the one in Stone Man's room as no module could get me up on that switch, not even the secret one. But when I used a particular skill, more so per accident, I couldn't help but smile and think "okay that was cool."

There are only few complaints I have :

1) In Dread Cliff Boneyard, you can actually soft-lock yourself on the screen right before the boss gate if you happen to end up with one mine or less by throwing them away, logically fearing if you step on them, they would explode for great damage. This makes it so you cannot reach the ledge where the gate is located but you also cannot go back a screen or respawn the mines. Now I quickly got back to where I was soon after but it was a bummer to see there was no (apparent) suicide/reload last checkpoint key.

2) When you 100% the game, you get no reward whatsoever that promotes replayability or increases fun factor of the game, besides a somewhat fancy notification.

No extra "secret" level, no cheat menu, no ability to swap freely between Eddie Modules, let alone being able to unlock the Secret Module for overworld (not Toikin Town) level use.

P.S. Props for making The Tower Gauntlet so varied with both fun gimmick levels (Wind Man still makes my head spin thinking about it lmao), even more surprise bosses (not as good as main level ones though imo) and guaranteed large health/life pick ups after tough sections.


Eddie's World

Version: 1.0.2about 4 years ago
Venture through Tockin island as Eddie to recover stolen E-Tanks! This game features Mega man styled gameplay mixed with puzzles and unusual boss fights. 8 standard and 1 special levels to complete and a big hub full of puzzles to explore. Made with Megamix Engine.

Venture through Tockin island as Eddie to recover stolen E-Tanks!

This game features Mega man styled gameplay mixed with puzzles and unusual boss fights.

8 standard and 1 special levels to complete and a big hub full of puzzles to explore.

Made with Megamix Engine.

#fangame #platformer #puzzle #megaman #retro

Mild Cartoon Violence
Comical Shenanigans

Eddie's World. Version 1.0.2

Fixed a softlock and a clipping bug.

Added pointers to final stage when you have enough tokens.

Added a hint to ball and arrow puzzle.

Eddie's World. Version 1.0.1

Bug fixes, tweaks to some puzzles, some mechanics are explained better, one of final boss' phases has less health.