
Which Came First?

ROLL: WASD / Arrow Keys
QUIT GAME: ESC (ENTER to confirm or ESC again to cancel)

Roll to the goal!
You collect chimpkens to get extra points, but each chimpken you pick up also makes you grow in size. The larger the egg is, the harder it is to control.
You can avoid the chimpkens and stay small in order to finish the level quickly, but if you want the highest score possible, you'd collect the chimpkens.
Score is calculated based on the number of chimpkens picked up, how fast you complete levels, and how much air time you accumulate . Falling off the edge removes points.
Good luck!

ZERO CHIMPKENS: Complete the game without collecting any chimpkens
GOTTA GO FAST: Complete the game in one minute or less
INVICIBLE: Complete the game without dying once