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Empyreal Roving (Ludum Dare Jam)
Empyreal Roving Easy Edition
Some say this game is too hard. Here is an easier version. (This is the same as the Ludum Dare version only difference is you now have 100 lives instead of 3)
Classic space side scroller game with a twist: One of your engines is broken so you can only turn/spin right.
Created in under 48 hours for the Ludum Dare 34
Theme: Two button controls
Arrow Keys (Up, Right)
R to restart level
Hint: Spin!
For best experience run in "Full Screen"
Created by Justin and Nathan Barker in under 48 hours.
Special Thanks to Kevin MacLeod for the music
Having a hard time?
Watch this gameplay video for tips: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y7N71vYdeFk&feature=youtu.be
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