Comments (165)
You can rate games that haven't even been released? Seriousl, we run on a rate the concept system here?
Our first Kickstarter has just ended unsuccessfully with a total of £3,026 pledged.
This was forecast from quite early on, but even though it was a failure in terms of securing the funds we were looking for, the extreme volume of PR and word spreading we achieved made it well worthwhile alone, with various articles and entries on gaming websites here and there.
We have gotten a lot of feedback regarding the game, most of it very positive and constructive. From this, we have been able to come to a few major conclusions as to why we were unsuccessful this time around.
Needless to say we will be taking that feedback aboard and will action the points bought up so they are sorted out as a matter of urgency in our current development phase.
The things we will be concentrating on most, from the above mentioned feedback will be -
Gameplay content such as mission and npc systems
Character enhancements
Lighting and shading work
Thank you to everyone that pledged and to all of those that helped us spread the word about the campaign. Development will continue unabated so stay tuned for updates in the coming months.
Looks really cool I can't wait to play it :D
So basically GGO but legitmate cant wait
Game Soundtrack
Exile Online - Ares Technologies
Exile Online will be a cyberpunk MMO set in the far future as mankind stuggles to survive political and social strife in a never ending world of plot and subterfuge. Our game will take leads and inspiration from many corners of the scifi/cyberpunk genre including: Bladerunner, Akira, Judge Dredd, Deus Ex and Total Recal amongst others.
Imagine a world where intrigue and multiple storyline twists can happen at any moment. We will be straying far from the "go here kill 10 rabbits" mission archetype that seems to be so prevalent in other MMOs of today. Our world will be a place where the actions of one individual can have global consequences and ramifications. Players can choose between 11 unique factions, capture and control outposts, purchase and furnish their very own penthouse apartments or join up with a group of their closest buddies to go kill some musclebound meatheads.
Realistic Violence
Realistic Bloodshed
Brief Nudity
Suggestive Themes
Crass Humor
Simulated Gambling