Game Community
6 Members

Comments (4)

What do you think?

We need people for voice acting!

  • One male role. (not required)


It sounds good!

Game Soundtrack

3 songs

Fear&Work (Fear in everyday life)

This game is about how we are all used to a peaceful world, and for us it is everyday life, but we forget that all evil is hidden in the shadows. The game takes place in 2006, the main character got a job as an engineer and has to fix robots, but he notices that these robots have their own intentions about it. And the main character is trying to understand what is happening here.

If you want to support the game, then below are all the details and who will support the project, I will add to the titles of the game.

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Other platforms:

Links - YouTube — Fear&Work Community


Fear&Work - Chapter 1

The main character woke up on a spring night, lampposts are burning on the street and the light from them falls through the window, grasshoppers are chirping under the window, and a cool wind blows from the window. Suddenly, in the dead of night, the phone rings sharply — it's an alarm clock, because of this, the main character immediately gets up. The main character looks at the phone and sees May 16, 12:00 hours, Monday. He remembers that the weekend has come to an end and it's time to go to work. He gets dressed and goes to wash. When he finished, he went to turn on the kettle to drink tea. he made tea and hurriedly went to collect his things. He took the documents and his badge. When he left the house, he reached into his pocket for the key, but did not find it. Then he came back and started looking for him. Ten minutes later, he found it and ran out of the house. When he went outside, he felt a slight cold, it was about 10 degrees. The street was empty, as if everyone had disappeared. When he got to the office, he knocked on the door, and it immediately opened itself. At the entrance there was a dictaphone with the guide's message. Our hero took it without hesitation. The voice of a man about 30 years old was heard. The man began to say: Hello, a new employee of our office and welcome, I will not talk for a long time and we will immediately get down to business, first go to the generator room and turn on the light, another worker turned it off before you arrived. The hero goes and turns on the generator. Well, you did it! Now go to the workshop and look at our robot assistants. The hero enters the workshop and sees about four working robots and two disassembled ones. The hexane robot has a broken servo and a microcontroller burned out, your task is to fix it, all the parts are available in stock. The hero goes to the warehouse and finds all the spare parts and hears a noise from the workshop, comes and sees that two robots are missing. The guide is silent. The hero repairs the robot and goes to turn off the lights and close the office. When the hero went outside, he locked the door and headed home. Approaching the house, the hero remembered a dream where he was locked in a room, he thought that it meant nothing. When the hero returns home, the game gives the hero a choice: watch the series or play on the PC. So that the hero does not choose when he will do everything, he goes to bed and he again has a dream where he is locked in a room. End of chapter 1, continued in chapter 2.

Official name: Fear&Work

Project by @nipums 2021-2022

Tags: #fearandwork #indiegames #gamedev #faw #horror #action #adventure #survival #other

Copyright© 2022

Fantasy Violence
Mild Realistic Violence
Realistic Bloodshed
Mild Language
Crass Humor

I’ll just leave this here.

By @nipums 2022

I'm learning Blender!

By @nipums 2022

Hey, check this out!

By @nipums 2021

I recently finished a model in ZBrush.

Here is the result.

By @nipums 2021