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Ultimate flambus is a filler project that should only ever have taken me 3 days to finish, but since i am a procrastinator to hell and back, this game took me 2 or 3 weeks instead.

You play as Fludwig, and you have friends yadda yadda generic rpg game

i personally do like it's story. Speaking of, it, (like i plan to do with almost all of my games), takes place in the same universe as Milk Game. Not that it's ever apparent or relevant or important in the story, but incase you had any questions about it's timeline that should help atleast a little!

Anyways, enjoy the game or don't. I dunno, i think more people won't than do, but there'll also be the do do who do. I don't care, as i said, it's a filler project.

See you on my next, more ambitious project. (Which isn't saying alot.)


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#flambus #ultimate #cool #swag #projectofprocrastination #tooktoolong #filler #youcangoinstrangershouses #rpg #technicallyanrpg #rpgtechnically #rpgmaker #doesntuserpgmakerdefaultassets #fludwig #amberto #ustus

Cartoon Violence
Mild Fantasy Violence
Animated Bloodshed

flambus post because why not

real update :

fixed the 17.5 quasimodillion game-breaking bugs.

Why the F(lambus) didn't i playtest before uploading this thing the FIRST TIME?!!


changelog : nick and forest dude

forgot to psot soundtrack when i uplkoaded teh game so heres hte soudntrack listen to it i guess