Comments (11,845)
Hey everyone, the update 1.1.0 for FNaF World Simulator is out now, at long last! Go download it if you haven't already! Make sure to read the devlog I've posted for the update too, because there are tons of important information regarding the update in it!
As usual, if you find any issues with the game, let me know and I'll see what I can do about it! You don't have to reply to this comment to tell me your issue, you can just post a comment on the game's page, I'll see it either way!
I hope you enjoy what I've been working on for the last 2 years! I worked hard to make this the best update possible. This is my return for all of the passion you have shown for this game throughout its 6 years. Thank you for the great times!
I updated the Loading Screens image, I had updated it in-game already a while ago but forgot to update the image too.
Also, I would like to reassure everyone who are growing tired of waiting, or who have already lost their patience.
I work on this game daily, and I have indeed finished the entirety of the game. It's all finished. I only have the endings left to do, and then I'll play through the game all over a few times to make sure everything works fine and so I can polish things up.
I fully understand that you're all getting tired of waiting, 2 years is a really long time to wait for a fangame, but it's almost finished as I said. And for everyone who is unsure if all this wait will even be worth it-
This game has turned amazing. Everything turned out exactly the way I wanted, and I'm really proud of it. This game will be lots of fun, and I can't wait for everyone to get to play it. I've been keeping information about the game mostly a secret, because this game has so many surprises and one the best parts of a game is finding things out yourself.
For those wondering about the Progress Bar, it really is not moving, but that's because I was unable to use my computer for 1 month as I explained in a previous comment, and because I only update it when significant progress is made. Also, since I have the endings and the final testing to be done, I'm gonna make the Endings bar be for both, so I'll only make it 100% when I have finished both the endings and the final testing.
Thank you all for your time, and see you soon!
Hey everyone! December has arrived, and 2021 is just around the corner. It has been 10 whole months since I announced the update for this game! Time flies! I have been making lots of good progress, and you can see that for yourself by taking a peek at the game's description, where you'll find that I am 78,8% done with this update!
To celebrate the holidays, I present you with some news regarding the update, but in a special way! This time, I won't just talk about what's fixed and what's different... I will be showing you what's changed through images!
Let's get started! So, do you remember when I mentioned that the amount of save files you can create had been boosted from 4 to 20? Well, here's a little picture showing just that!

Next up are two images. The first one was taken in the version 1.0.7 of the game (the current one), and the second was taken in the version 1.1.0 (the upcoming one). See if you can spot what was changed!

You may have noticed that the Hold "R" to Run! text and the attack description have a shadow now. This was implemented to make those texts easier to read if there's a bright background. Most of the attacks had their descriptions updated to be more descriptive, and you can see that here. Also, all of the attack buttons that are exclusive to this game (as in, the ones that weren't in the original FNaF World) were updated to look better. You can see that by comparing the "Byte Jam" attack button. Many of the attacks were tweaked to fix bugs, make them more balanced by turning weak attacks stronger and vice-versa, and to improve the animations of the attacks and add in some extra effects.
For those of you who have played the game for long enough, you may have noticed that Funtime Foxy can be found in every single area of the overworld... except for Lilygear Lake. Well, that has changed! Funtime Foxy can now be talked to in Lilygear Lake! (Funtime Foxy not being here before was not an oversight on my part, it was intentional. I didn't think there was much that Funtime Foxy could do here, but I ended up changing my mind!)

On the next image I will be showing you guys, there's... Fredbear... and Marionette? Wait a minute... this scene never happens in FNaF World Simulator! Does this mean that this... is new content?!

That's where I'll be putting an end to my image showcase. I don't want to be ruining any surprises! Moving on, here are some other news:
If you're not playing on the Normal Mode difficulty, the final boss of Lilygear Lake will be easier.
You may remember that I said I came across an issue that would slow down development. Well, that issue has now been eliminated completely!
Just to be clear, all of your save files WILL be carried over to this update. You won't have to replay the game.
(Spoilers for JJ's mission below):
The 6th world can now be selected in the custom battles.
If you happened to have missed my previous comments, here are the things I announced in them!
The game runs much, much faster now. My PC used to run this game at about 40 FPS, and on this update the game now runs at a clean and smooth 60 FPS.
The Blacktomb Yard section will be more forgiving. Explained below:
There will be checkpoints whenever you reach a safe spot. If you get caught by a flashlight, you will return to the last safe spot you've been to, instead of all the way to the start.
The following characters have been given a shadow: Seaweed, Crabapple, Colossal, Splinkle, Neon, Jangle, P. Goon, PurpleGeist and Coffee.
There were occasions where puzzles in the overworld would reset if you opened a menu. That is no more.
There were a lot of grammar and punctuation errors in the dialogues, and those will now be fixed.
Mystery Box and Mystery Box 2 both used to only spawn characters from the first two rows of characters (even if they weren't unlocked). Now both can spawn any unlocked character you have. (Mystery Box will only spawn characters from the first few rows, but it can spawn other characters if there aren't enough unlocked characters from the first rows to choose from.)
Several of the images on the game's page were updated.
That's all the news I have for you guys today! I am working hard on this update to not only deliver a great experience on the new elements like the new world, but also to improve and polish up the things that were already in the game. I'm sure you'll enjoy what's coming!
Development has been going very well, and progress is being made at a wonderful pace. Soon enough, the update 1.1.0 will be available for all of you to play!
I hope you have an awesome Christmas and New Year! See you later!
I would like to recite a phrase from the Happy New Year! post:
"I will NOT cancel this game. Whatever happens, i’ll still work on it. I won’t let you guys down."
For some reason, people think I gave up on this.
Guys, this is my biggest project ever, I'd never cancell it.
Even if the game files were corrupted, and even if I had to re-do the game a billion times, I'd still work on it.
I did ask @MikeyVah to leave a comment saying that development has stopped for a while because my PC ran into problems. However, he wrote it in a way that may have made you think that the game was in risk of being cancelled. As I said, that is not the case. The files are safe and there's no risk of them being deleted, and even if they were gone, I'd remake the game from scratch.
So, my apologies for making you all worried. I still don't have a new PC, and I'm using another PC to write this, so I can't work on the game yet.
That is all, have a great day and until I get a new PC.
FNaF World Simulator
Welcome back to Animatronica!
Freddy has completed "the game", and gained an unfair amount of power. With his new powers, he'll take over Animatronica and destroy any enemies left in it.
It is now up to the so called "enemies" to stop Freddy before it's too late!
Play as over 60 characters in this fan-made FNaF World sequel!
Re-encounter old friends and foes in a brand new perspective!
Explore huge worlds, search for Chips and other equipment!
Brand new game modes for replay value!
...And much more!
Thumbnail created by MikeyVah.