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The Solar System but Awesome

Version: 1.0.08 months ago

For my first assignment in my CAS-117 class, I had to follow a template to make an explorable solar system diagram then add to it on my own, then upload it so here it is! Disclaimer: my vision outpaced my skills, so I notably did not add things I found repetitive(sorry Venus stans), things I didn't know how to do (sorry Neptune and Neptune's elliptical orbit), and things I did not have the time or patience to do (sorry for not adding Jupiter and all 80-95 of its moons)

From the Professor Winn's template:

Four celestial bodies! (Sun, Moon, Earth, and randomized comet spawning!)

Click to get the camera to get a closer look!

Orbital Simulation!

Game does not crash on start-up!

From me, Elias Christodoulos:

Four more celestial bodies, including:

Htrae, the bizarro Earth from DC Comics!

the Noom, the bizarro moon I completely made up!

Pluto, a real planet this time! Wait, they changed WHAT?!

Charon, Pluto's moon/fellow dwarf planet/partner in double dwarf systems!

Nothing has been posted to this project page yet. Check back later!