Comments (16)
simple yet elegant, i love it bro keep it up!
Nice game bro, little buggy but playable
Umm, I died in a pit in the castle then uhh then black screen and I can't play-
Except that for what I was able to play it was pretty fun, very nice pixel art too. (I just wish there was an english translation though...)
Gllip Adventure
Download in itch.io : Gllip Adventure by Zul (itch.io)
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You are the watchman of a castle in the Kingdom of Gllip. In one of your night vigils something different happens and you will need the help of the Great Mage to fulfill your mission.
Você é um vigilante do Castelo do Rei de Gllip. Em uma das suas vigílias noturnas acontece algo diferente e você terá que descobrir com ajuda do Grande Mago o mistério deste Castelo.
Esse jogo de plataforma trará elementos inspirados em Pitfall e Mario Bros, tendo uma boa progressão de aprendizado e divertido.
#platformer #adventure #001gamecreator #GGMaker #BR #BrasilGameIndie #arcade #retro