
Comments (3)

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Is the game still in development? I don't see the download button on my screen.

Grow is a strategy game about building an increasingly impressive forrest using limited resources.

In the game, you are the spirit of the forrest and you have the power to create seeds. If placed correctly, your seeds will grow into plants, which will then spread themselves.

The game features a simple currency, called Pollen. Every time a new plant comes to life or grows, you earn pollen. In its current state, the game features three units:

  • Tree: A tall tree which will earn you lots of pollen if it manages to grow to its maximum length. Casts shadows on smaller plants.

  • Bush: A small and cheap weed which isn't very impressive, but is cheap and reproduces like crazy.

  • Bird: A birds nest. The birds eat seeds and poop them out further away than a tree would usually be able to throw the seeds itself.



Still in development