Comments (8)
I knew I had to play this as soon as I saw the title. Cool concept. I wish I could give a higher rating, but I felt like the frustrating controls detracted from the gameplay.
This is awesome. Nice timed action-puzzle platformer. Love the C64 style and difficulty. Very nice pixel art and animation. The little white icons are excellent, too. The gameplay is fun and tense, and the wire-cutting and the schematics are a really nice touch. Kicking the door down is a perfect way to start the levels, but there seems to be too long of a pause before you gain control again.
There's also a problem where you can only maneuver in the air if you jump first, not if you just step off a ledge and fall. I believe this is the issue that We Are Muesli is having below. The game could also use a rockin' 80's-style soundtrack!
All in all, an excellent game, especially for the brief development time.
maybe it's due to the lack of a controller but we're stuck at lvl 2 too (how is hair cop supposed to get to the lower floor without getting spiked?) but the feeling is lovable
Fun game, and I like the look. It's a little unfair the bad guys can shoot through walls and you can't!
Hair Cop (Alpha)
This game was originally an entry for the Ludum Dare 27 48hrs compo in 2013.
You are a cop with very good hair who is tasked to defuse various bombs. Terrorists guard the explosives and may arm them remotely. Beware, if you don't pick up the schematics you will have to flip a coin to decide which wire to cut.
Xbox 360 Controller and Chrome recommended.
Gamepad controls:
dpad left/right - move
dpad down - crouch/disarm explosive
X button - shoot
A button - jump
Start button - pause
Back button - quit
Keyboard controls:
left/right arrow keys - move
down arrow key - crouch/disarm explosive
X - shoot
C - jump
P - pause
Esc - quit
Realistic Violence
Animated Bloodshed