Comments (3)
I really like this game. I've always been a fan of "business simulators", and this is a really unique one. You basically buy trees, houses, and hedgehogs. The trees drop apples that the hedgehogs will eat. After eating a certain amount, they go up a size (this happens twice). You can then sell the hedgehogs for a profit.
Later on you get more items, like medicine to cure sick hedgehogs.
Overall it's a fun hedgehog farming game. My only complaint is that the hedgehogs are a little too slow, and tend to ramble around randomly and not eat apples that are clearly right near them.
Interesting game. I like the idea of farming my animals up, then selling them and repeating the process. Actually a pretty entertaining and relaxing game. Good job. 4/5
Manage a small hedgehog business, plant apple trees, build huts for hedgehogs, cure them if they are ill, and make sure they don't eat unfresh apples! Each of 12 levels introduces some new elements of gameplay and sets the difficulty level a bit higher.