
Comments (1)

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Oh crap! is that GEX!?!

OH NO! Brett Favre, the Anti-Gex, Steel Wool, the Supreme Leader and Dr. Anna May have teamed up to defeat Scott Wozniak, steal his copy of Madden 08, and use it to conquer the universe! Scott has to fight all 5 of them to get his most prized possesion back, or else we'll all be trapped in a world without mid-review sketch shows!!

#fangame #action #platformer #retro #scifi #sports #other

  • Play as Scott the Woz

  • Fight five villains from the Woziverse

  • Battle your friends in Versus mode!

Realistic Violence
Animated Bloodshed
Brief Nudity
Sexual Themes
Mature Humor

Just wanna say this project is being put on hiatus for a while. SBLegacy is going on hiatus too.