Comments (13)
i'm hungry
muy buenos modelos
love the look of the game cannot wait to play
Hey, this looks really cool! Good luck!
Este juego trata de buscar la atmósfera de fnaf 1 basándose en animatrónicos de la vida real adaptados al universo de fnaf. Eres un investigador paranormal en un antiguo restaurante. Mientras tratas de investigar que sucedió y porqué se le considera maldito al lugar, deberás sobrevivir en el local todo lo que haga falta, aunque eso te cueste la vida, para desvelar el secreto de una misteriosa sustancia y un crimen sin resolver.
This game tries to find the atmosphere of fnaf 1 based on real life animatronics adapted to the fnaf universe. You are a paranormal investigator in an old restaurant. While you try to investigate what happened and why the place is considered cursed, you must survive in the place as long as it takes, even if it costs you your life, to reveal the secret of a mysterious substance and an unsolved crime. #fangame #horror #fnaf #survival #pointnclick #arcade #platformer
Cartoon Violence
Fantasy Violence