
Comments (2)

What do you think?

Good luck with the next version. I know how it is, after you've made a game, and you think to yourself you could make a new and improved version with the things you've learned developing the first game.


I Had Hope

Version: 0.5.0over 12 years ago

I Had Hope Alpha Source

Version: 1.0.0-alphaover 12 years ago

A 2D zombie survival game set in Alaska and started by Jayjay & Bioked in December 2010. More details on our website!

Arcade mode: You play as a lone survivor who tries to survive wave after wave of the undead shambling towards you while earning points to buy better weapons and build better defences. There may even be a few helpful powerups to aid you along the way.

Campaign mode: More details coming soon.

Small current feature overview:

-Maps entirely customizable from their [mapname].iam file in notepad

-Most graphics can be edited

-Custom characters

-Custom music playlist (mp3 and module xm/it/etc files)

This game uses either the keyboard and mouse, or an xbox controller:

Keyboard/mouse controls:

W,A,S,D - Move
Mouse - Aim/Select item to buy at vending machine
Left click - Shoot/Purchase vending machine item
Right click - Throw grenade, proportional to mouse distance from player
Shift - Sprint
Control - Pick up or place a barricade
Spacebar - Melee
Tab - Toggle slow-mo (if unlocked)
E - Buy weapon at shop/Build barricade at workbench/Open vending machine view
R - Repair barricade/Add materials to workbench
Q - Switch between pistol and primary weapon
F - Throw a flare, proportional to mouse distance from player
M - Change song (when playing custom music)
Escape - Pause game/Exit vending machine
Ctrl + Y - Quit to title (while paused)

Xbox controls:

Left thumbstick - Move
Right thumbstick - Aim/Select item at vending machine
Left trigger - Sprint
Right trigger - Shoot
Left bumper - Melee
Right bumper - Throw grenade, right thumbstick controls strength
A - Pick up or place a barricade/Purchase vending machine item/Start game at menu
X - Buy weapon at shop/build barricade at workbench/open vending machine view
B - Repair barricade/Add materials to workbench/Exit vending machine
Y - Switch between pistol and primary weapon/Switch control mode at menu
Dpad down - Throw a flare, right thumbstick controls strength
Dpad up- Change song (when playing custom music)
Start - Pause game/Skip intros/Exit vending machine
Back - Slow-mo (if unlocked)/Quit to title (while paused)

As always, check Readme.txt for more information and FAQ's/licensing.

Want to edit the game files? Drag Game.dcd and Map.iam into notepad, or download the source to the Alpha!

Current Alpha verison open sourced while we make a new engine!

Cartoon Violence
Fantasy Violence
Mild Realistic Violence
Blood and Gore
Comical Shenanigans

HTML5 RTS game: Dust And Destruction

Packt Publishing 1000th title celebration!

Features that might make it into the next engine

Download I Had Hope!

Time for a rewrite!