
A woman falls under times of stress, debt, and paranoia, and turns to drugs as relief. After awhile, she becomes a addict. She forces herself into a incomprehensible world of suffering and pain, all to relieve herself of the stressful life she has.
Its been a long night. She’s going to get a job tomorrow. She promises herself this. She takes some ecstasy, and watches whatever can soothe her. She later goes to bed in her cheap apartment, by herself on a pile of dirty blankets and sheets. She has a hard time getting to sleep.
It’s getting late. She just can’t get to sleep. She tries smoking to help her get settled in, and it works. She falls asleep, much easier, and calmer, or at least as easy and calm as it can be within the circumstances of her home.
Morning time. Time to set off and get a job. She can’t rely on others to pay for her disaster of a life, so she might as well put herself to use and make at least enough to pay this months rent, or her dealer back. Whichever comes first.
Somethings off. She left her small wooden box, carrying various drugs and pills on the ground, but it doesn’t seem to be there. None of her belongings do. Was she burgled? Did somebody break in while she was asleep? No? It seems her doors and windows are still all locked. She tries to open the door, but of course as said before it was locked. She checks the knob, only to see the lock that is usually there is missing. She’s getting paranoid and scared. Are these just side effects of one of the drugs she took? She checks the windows, and thankfully, the windows still have their locks. She opens the windows, but sees nothing. She can’t imagine what that nothing is though, it’s just there, but it’s not. She feels like she isn’t the only person in the room. She starts scanning the corners of her room, in search of the eyes that burn through her skin, but only sees the dusty, creaky floor, the wall covered in old peeling paint, and her little desk that used to hold her belongings.
She’s very paranoid now. She knows somebody’s watching, but what? She thinks hard on what to do. Should she yell for help? Should she try breaking down the door? Before anything, she can barely think with those eyes staring a hole into her. She figures it out. Nobody was watching. She has to find nobody now.
She stares out into nothing.