Comments (22)

Неплохо. Из багов: в одной из комнат можно коробку задвинуть в стену. Ай-ай-ай. Из минусов: некоторая музыка сделана через ИИ, загадка с местным Джевилом меня так никуда и не привела, хотя я перетрахал все стены в игре. В остальном очень даже неплохо. Странно конечно, играется как под грибами, мало что понятно, но, наверное, в этом и прикол. Юмор неплохой.
Мой вердикт 7/10.

was direct here by two Russian friends...unfortunately cant speak Russian. Great game dough and nice art style. looks promising
I haven't played much cause I'm stuck on direction however I would love to see this game get a translation since it gives off some amazing vibes like the likes of yume nikki
OK,I played the game and I gotta say, BANGER GAME, Love the aesthetic and art style very kool and love how the first thing we meet is a temmie and autism creature mashup. Gameplay wise its not very blend ish its undertale but without the bullet hell so ehh ,BUT the flavor text and puzzles really pull the wait for the lack of compelling battles. Speaking of flavor text Very funny stuff, LOVE IT, so many fun references like the fire meme, megamind and dustale(kill your self for that one) very good, I like the music also good funny, atmospheric and creep at times (speaking of creepy whats up with that secret under that one box) the only music I didn't like was the town one but that's cause it was a bit louder then the rest and and and uhh got annoying to hear really fast(I'm assuming that was intended)but other then that yeah. the current plot laid out was very interesting I was expecting some deltaruney but its very different form that. Was not expecting a tadc situation where players a trapped in a simulation simulating there ideal world. And also the main character seems to a bit more in control then another stripped shirted kid I know. And the areas final boss OFF was not expecting to fight the A GIANT HEART AND MOTHYLDAS TRUMA!. That was fun, and the acid area looks very interesting. I am very HOOKED and I can't wait to see what happens next.
I wanna find the exit
Game Soundtrack
Вдохновлённая проектами Тоби Фокса и Kikiyam'ы, сюрреалистичная поинт-и-тык головоломка, где вы, игрок, заперты в незнакомом доме. Откройте все тайны и найдите выход.
Ссылка на онлайн версию (можно так же сыграть на телефоне): https://rpgmakerunion.ru/game/ya-hochu-nayti-vyhod.71919571