Game Community
1 Member

Comments (8)

What do you think?

Pretty cool game, honestly. I like the esthetic a lot and I think that the gameplay is quick and intuitive. I think the generator minigame feels a bit clunky especially on the first few nights, and I think the main reason is the target's ability to move backward. I think that if it could only randomly move forward, or if it moved around much less, then it would feel better and more strategic to play. Although I did get the hang of the minigame, sometimes it would just move out of the way randomly where I would have gotten a clean and fair hit. You can test around and see what would fit best, if you want.

The only real bug I found was the observer having incorrect scrolling. I'd also consider exporting the game as 64 bits since the game crashed when I paused the game due to insufficient memory (where it recommended making the application 64 bits).

Aside from those minor setbacks, well done, 9/10 (I also beat night 6)

Can I be a VA?

Discord: Official_Sim_Naum


Shadows of the Stage (FNaF Fangame) | 64-Bit

Version: 0.2.22 days ago
64-Bit is less likely to crash, but is less compatable.

Shadows of the Stage (FNaF Fangame) | 32-Bit

Version: 0.2.2about 12 hours ago
32-Bit is more compatable, but more likely to crash

Shadows of the Stage (FNaF Fangame) - EARLY BUILD

Version: 0.0.04 days ago
The OLD, more buggy version.

You're in a vintage theatre. You must reactivate the generator for the show the next day. You are not alone. Use your stage effects control panel, your doors, and your might to your advantage. That's all.

This game has flashing lights, loud noises, jumpscares, etc. Not suitable for all people.

Also, it might ask for your camera permissions, trust me, it is nothing important, you can decline if you like.


Move your mouse to the left and right sides of the screen to move.

When at the window, you will see a stage effects panel. Use the lever on the left to turn the spotlight on (it turns off when you leave the area), arrows to move it, yellow button at the top right to change it's colour, and buttons below the change colour button to play sounds. Don't play too much noise.

To your left and right, there are doors. You can use the levers to shut the doors, keep them shut as long as you like, but they open they you leave the opening.

Behind you, there is a generator. You must reactivate it. By clicking the generator button, it will open a skill check. There will be an arrow spinning in the centre, when it hits the blue chunk, press 'crank' to crank it. The more you land the red pointer in the centre on the chunk, the more the bar at the bottom fills. When you miss, you'll lose a little progress. The leave the screen, click the cross in the bottom left. When the generator is powered, go to the door to the right of the window and click the orange arrow to leave for the night.



Pay attention to the small bulb at the bottom left of the control panel, set the colour changer button at the top right of the panel to match the bulb. Once you do that, when turn the lever at the top left on, and point the spotlight at the Marrionetta using the arrow buttons to make them leave.


They will appear at either of your doors or a window and hold a sign. Play the sound they show on the sign on your control panel to make him leave.


He goes to one of your doors, shut the door and stay there until you hear a bang, indicating they left.


The music coming from the makeup room speakers will lower pitch, meaning he's at the window, just go to the window and stare.

-Maestro Marmot-

They sit next to your generator, they are calm, but playing too much sounds can anger them.

-Sable Strummer-

They come to your left door (left from the window), shut it.

-Bramble Bunny-

They come to your right door, shut it.

-Pip Pipistrelle-

They hang from the top right of your window, play any noise, preferably laughter or applause to scare them off.

Code: 6false6angel6

#fnaf #fangame #horror #spooky #theatre #fivenightsatfreddys #fnaf #fnaf #fnaf

Mild Cartoon Violence
Animated Bloodshed

Minor updates. Thanks @Gamemaster_64 for the heads up!

Final (probably) version of SotS. I'll be mostly shifing my attention to other projects now, so stay tuned!

Devlog in article.

Shadows of the Stage is DONE (mostly). Please check it out if you're interested!