Comments (6)
Thanks for uploading this! This is one of my favorite Flash platformers. It just oozes style and charm, and it plays so smoothly. Tight controls. But be warned: It gets almost mercilessly tough :)
I really like this game and I like the music. How I can get the music for my ears (Download)?
It's a good, solid, and charming game. Certainly some good inspiration fuel for myself. Well done. ^_^
Really good game, man =) I beat it long time ago.
Sound, animation and design is awesome!
I Like it!
if you experience control issues, try downloading the swf to your computer
This is an older game of mine that I'm uploading on here upon request.
It gets very hard and some parts require pixel-perfect jumping, so don't play if you don't like that sort of thing :)
Control with the arrow keys, UP jumps and DOWN skips through thin platorms.
Also I made some minor alterations before uploading the game and played through it once without noticing any bugs or anything. But if you should happen to notice something, please do email me at mrnowind at gmail or send me shout.