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In Short
It was a massive explosion. The whole planet shattered into thousands of tiny flying islands which are loosely held together by an enigmatic giant energy ball - the core.
Kordex - The Golden Path is the first chapter of the Kordex universe and tells the beginning of a really big story. In each chapter, you'll progress in the overall adventure and will explore the stories, people, and mysteries of one flying island after another.
The game is heavily inspired by the Zelda series and has its very unique design ideas and gameplay elements. We think that it's just awesome to discover a world full of adventure, mystery, danger, friendship, and love. That's why we want to make each island an 100% open world experience. You literally get what you see: every corner is reachable, handcrafted and filled with details.
The Concept - Energy is everything and everything is energy
Once upon a time, a massive bang shattered the whole planet into thousands of tiny planet fragments. At the same time, a giant, highly compressed energy ball got revealed - the core. The highest amount of energy within the core is inaccessible. Only a fraction of that energy can escape in the form of giant branches which are reaching to the islands and prevent them from floating into the endless space.

The sheer amount of pressure and energy of the bang forged strange looking crystals in all kind of shapes and colors. Today, these crystals are spread all over the different floating islands. It appears that they harmonize well with the energy of the core in a way that they can bind it, transform it into a force of a specific element and release that force again. Nowadays fire crystals provide the people with warmth, air crystals cater for fresh air to breathe and gravity crystals keep the objects on the ground.

That concept of energy and crystals connects everything with each other. The islands are interconnected, the crystals deform the environment, the people use the power of those crystals to their advantage, and it's even possible for some individuals to use the energy branches as a communication medium.
But this harmony comes with a price! If the energy stream stagnates for some reason, the whole ecosystem breaks down. The communication between islands isn't possible, crystals can't provide their environment with essential resources anymore, and the islands float into the endless universe.

The Story
The islands which are very close to the core, are supplied with a higher amount of energy. Over time the people living on the most central island invented a method which allows them to capture all of the outflowing core energy and distribute it to the other islands according to their own needs. That position of power led to a dictatorial authority. The inhabitants of the central island have been exploited the position and blackmailed the other people. They want the resources in exchange for the core energy and became the richest population on the whole planet very quickly. That's why they're called Collectionists.

With great imbalance comes great resistance. There've been unrests even in the Collectionists own ranks. A handful of senior officers hatched a plot against the head of the Collectionists... but failed. All of them got arrested in the deadliest prison on the whole planet - except for one: Peac's father.
Peac is a brave little boy living a carefree life on a humble island called Orodir. He isn't guessing that he's the one who will ascertain that the sensitive situation with the Collectionists is only an exciting side story.
The Gameplay
Peac and his pet
You may have noticed already that Peac is the main character of Kordex. His cute pet follows him at every turn and supports him reliably. It not only helps him solving riddles but is also able to transform into arbitrary shapes. When Peac is beset by wild animals, he is unconquerable when his pet changes into a two-hand staff. Each hand can be controlled separately. To execute interesting and powerful combos you need to press the left and right mouse buttons in the correct order and/or time.
The pet and fighting system are currently under development - screenshots are following soon
Flying like a bird
Using your air crystal-fueled vehicle you can freely fly around in the outer parts of the island. But due to its shabby construction, it's a bit hard to control and can only land on predefined landing spots.
The flight system is currently under development - screenshots are following soon
Peac's staff is equipped with a so-called storage crystal. Those sort of crystals cannot transform energy into an elementary force but can store it and release it on another place. That can be used to supply elementary crystals with energy which in further consequence manipulate the surrounding environment with their elemental power. The more energy is pumped into a crystal the bigger the effective range grows.
For instance, if a deforming crystal is provided with enough energy it can deform the objects around and unveil a hidden path:

Or a gravity crystal can be used to let the surrounding objects float into the air until the energy is depleted and the objects fall back to the ground. Some of them burst into pieces when they hit the ground and expose valuable items:

Crystals with the same elemental power can have different properties. There exist crystals which produce movable gravity bubbles. Movable bubbles gravitate to nearby storage crystals and therefore can be carried with the staff to other places. They even can be pumped with energy later:

The Inspiration - Zelda, One Piece, and our universe
Since our childhood until now we've been fallen for Zelda and One Piece. That's why we want to take conceptual ideas from One Piece and put them into a Zelda-ish feeling game.
But by far the largest inspirational source has been our universe. It is so mysterious and has many parallels to the world of Kordex. Everbody knows Einstein's popular equation E = mc² but only a few understand what this actually means. The equation describes that literally, everything in our world is energy. You and I, we are "only" a great amount of highly compressed energy. That fact was so inspiring for the design of our game.
The core in the center of the Kordex-universe may remind of neutron stars. Like in the core, in a neutron star, matter - and therefore energy - is compressed nearly infinitely strong. The strong magnetic fields of neutron stars are represented by the energy branches emitted by the core.
And obviously, our shattered planet is comparable to a planet system in the universe
Thank you universe for being so awesome!
Mild Cartoon Violence
Mild Fantasy Violence